Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题与解答
Q1. Which 3rd party SP is authorized for conducting THD SER audit? 家得宝委托的进行社会环境与责任审核的第三方公司有哪些?
A: ITS, BV and UL.
Q2. What is the THD SER audit standard? 家得宝社会环境与责任审核的标准是什么?
A: Most of THD SER audit standard follows local law. 家得宝社会环境与责任审核基本上都要求符合当地的法律法规。
Q3. Will supplier/factory get an audit report of THD SER audit? 供应商/工厂会收到一份家得宝社会环境与责任的审核报告吗?
A: “SER Audit Summary Report” is an official audit report released from THD SER audit, which will be sent to suppliers/factories by THD SER system automatically once the audit report was approved by THD. 一旦审核报告得到家得宝公司审批通过,一份“社会环境与责任审核的总结报告”将会从家得宝社会环境与责任系统自动发送给供应商和工厂。
Q4. Can we have the SER audit checklist for understanding THD specific requirement on social compliance? 我们是否可以得到一份社会环境与责任审核的检查表,以便于我们了解家得宝公司相关具体要求?
A: Currently THD SER audit checklist will not be shared with suppliers and factories. 目前家得宝公司社会环境与责任审核检查表不会向供应商和工厂公开。
Q5. Can we postpone the SER audit/CAPA verification if factory is in peak season or the person who in charge of SER is out of factory? 如果因为碰到生产忙旺季或者因为负责人不在工厂,是否可以延迟家得宝社会环境与责任审核/验证审核?
A: No, the SER audit/CAPA verification will not impact factory production but help factory to identify improving opportunities. It’s encouraged that factory to set back up person for SER program. 不可以。家得宝社会环境与责任审核可以帮助企业识别改善机会,不会影响工厂生产。工厂应安排后备人员来配合审核。
Q6. How to close CAPA of missing/expired governmental documentation or required certification during tier CAPA process? 如何在实施纠正预防措施阶段关闭缺失政府审批文件
A: If factories had already done what they need to do as per national/local laws and regulations, and solid evidences (such as application record) have been provided and verified, the finding can be conditionally closed. 如果工厂已经按照法律要求采取了应有的措施并能提供充分证据(比如申请文件)证明,问题点可以被有条件的关闭。
Q7. Is there a summary report for CAPA onsite verification?是否有一份验证审核的报告?
A: 3rd party SPs will issue hard copy of updated close meeting summary report based on the CAPA verification result to factory.第三方审核公司会在验证审核后出具一份“审核总结报告”。
Q8. Can we just have the CAPA on-site verification but not submit improving evidence to 3rd party SPs before the on-site verification? 是否可以直接进行现场验证审核而不必在现场验证审核前提交改善证据?
A: No, factories need to submit evidences to SP before CAPA verification. SER team will review the evidences and give professional comments base on local law requirement. This action will help factories understand THD requirement and take correct actions if original one was wrong or insufficient. 不可以。工厂需要在现场验证审核前提交整改证据给第三方审核公司。SER团队会审核证据并反馈审批意见。这将会帮助工厂理解家得宝的要求并在现场验证审核前采取正确的整改措施。