Key Takeaways 重要注意点
Before SER Audit (Prevention rather than correction) 审核前(预防胜于整改)
All audits must be prepaid and confirmed within three days of notice from Service Provider.
Otherwise Debit Program will be implemented so that the On-Boarding schedule will not be delayed;
Supplier/Factory must appoint a SER official who will be responsible for focusing on the SER OnBoarding and Continuous Improvement process;
Supplier/Factory SER official may contact THD SER team for orientation/Pre-Sourcing SelfEvaluation/Guidance on documents required per the audit documentation list to prevent audit
THD SER Monthly Seminar
During SER Audit (Systematic way to maintain risks) 审核中(系统性方法控制风险)
Code of Conduct and Ethics ("BCCE")
No critical risk issues 没有严重的问题点。
Audit result - Grade C or above (Minimum requirement)
• After SER Audit (“Walk the talk” on time) 审核后(按时“言行一致”)
Supplier/factory submits CAPA plan to Service Provider within 7 days from notice from SP;
Suppliers need to provide accurate and complete evidence for each point in every finding at least 7 business days before on-site verification and identify the evidence with a specific document/picture name to match the deficiency. If suppliers fully meet this requirement, there may be an opportunity to waive the on-site verification based on risk level and nature of the finding. The THD SER team will make all final decisions on waivers.供应商需要在距现场审核至少7个工作日之前向审核服务商提交准确和完整的整改证据,并且证据包含的
文件和图片要有明确的命名匹配每个问题点。如果供应商能够完全满足这个要求,那么将有机会根据风险等级和问题性质取消现场审核。THD SER团队会做是否取消审核的最终决定。
All CAPAs should be closed within required days(15 days/30 days/90 days) from audit date based on the risk level of the CAPA.所有的CAPA项目都必须根据问题的风险等级在15/30/90天内关闭。
Periodic Re-Audit Process定期的复审过程。