Remediation and Termination 整改与终止
Factories with critical findings may be subject to immediate termination.
Examples include: 存在高危违规问题的工厂可能导致立刻终止合作关系,包括:
Use of workers under the legal age of employment 雇用低于法定工作年龄的员工
Any type of prison, bonded, indentured or forced labor 任何形式的监禁、抵押、契约或者是强迫劳动
Physical punishment or abuse 体罚或侮辱
Life-threatening health & safety issues (e.g. locked emergency exits, immediate fire hazards) 威胁生命健康和安全的问题
Falsification of records 伪造记录
Attempted bribery of auditors 试图贿赂审核人员
Other issues/conditions determined to be Critical by The Home Depot 其他被家得宝认定为是高危违规的问题或情况
Termination of Suppliers 终止与供应商的合作关系
Suppliers that have a second factory terminated based on the above guidelines may be subject to termination of the overall business relationship between the Supplier and The Home Depot.
Reinstatement after Termination 终止合作关系后的恢复
Must wait one (1) year from termination date before requesting reinstatement.必须在终止合作关系一年后进行恢复合作关系的申请。
Factory must demonstrate they have implemented a management system which addresses all of The Home Depot SER Standards. The systems will be audited by THD’s SER Team or THD’s designated representatives.
Achieve a grade of “B” or better from a social compliance audit firm that is scheduled by THD as part of the reactivation process
If a factory does not achieve a “B” score or better, they may reapply for re-instatement after improving their compliance with THD SER standards. The factory must also wait a minimum of 3 months for grade a “C” and 6 months for a grade “F” from notice by THD of their failure to meet the reinstatement standards.
Effective since August 1st,2013. The purpose is to make sure THD audits are be conducted within expected SLA.该政策从2013年8月1日起开始执行。 其目的是为了确保家得宝供应商评审在规定时间内完成。
The service providers are expected to schedule and complete all audits within 14 days from the date of receiving the audit notification.第三方评审公司须在接到审核通知的14天内对审核进行排期并完成现场审核。
If the factory requests a date change more than the SLA, the SP will report to THD. If the request was not approved by THD, SP will execute the audit on original schedule and debit program will be launched. 如果工厂要求更换的审核日期超过协议规定的时限,第三方审核公司将通报给家得宝。如果工厂的申请未被家得宝批准,第三方审核公司仍将按照已安排的审核日期执行审核,同时垫资项目将被启动。
If payment is not received by the day of the audit, the audit will be conducted. SP will invoice THD for the cost of the audit on the first day of the following month. Payment will be required from the supplier prior to THD releasing POs. 如果在审核当日审核费用仍然没有支付,第三方审核公司将按计划进行审核并于次月的首日向家得宝出具审核发票。审核费用将在家得宝下订单前由供应商支付。
If the factory denies entry to the auditor and the auditor leaves, this will be considered a critical deficiency.