Subcontracting Policy 分包商政策
Subcontracting Standard 分包标准
“Suppliers must not use subcontractors in the manufacture of products or product components for The Home Depot without disclosing such information to The Home Depot, and only after the subcontractor has demonstrated compliance with these Social and Environmental Responsibility Standards.” “供应商不得在未向家得宝(THD)充分披露信息的情况下使用分包商生产产品或产品组件,分包商只有在已经证实能够遵守社会和环境责任标准的情况下方可使用。”
Subcontracting Definition 分包商定义
Subcontractors in the manufacture of products or product components for The Home Depot are factories, other than the facility identified for the production of a product for The Home Depot, involved in either the final assembly of the product or the manufacture of product components with the logos of any of The Home Depot’s brands.凡是在参与产品的最终组装或制造涉及家得宝(THD)的任何商标品牌的产品组件的制造厂商,均视为家得宝(THD) 监管范围的分包商。
Unauthorized Sub-contractor-Factories meeting the definition of Subcontractor above who have not been disclosed to The Home Depot and properly assessed prior to producing the items listed in the definition.未经授权的分包商-符合上述分包定义但没有通报给家得宝(THD)并在提供产品给家得宝前未接受家得宝评审的分包商。
Enhanced Policy强化政策
All Suppliers must notify Home Depot of subcontractors meeting definition;所有供应商都必须向家得宝公司通报符上述定义的分包商信息;
Penalty system or termination of relationship when unauthorized subcontracting is discovered;未授权的分包一经发现,将会产生罚金或导致合作关系的终结;
Immediate audit required within 14 days of discovery;发现分包的14天内立即启动审核;
Purchase orders may be placed on hold or canceled 采购订单可能会被暂停或取消;
Each supplier has the responsibility to report and register in THD Flex System any new subcontractors within 15 days after such relationship is established. For all new programs, any subcontractors being utilized should be added to THD Flex System at the time of onboarding. 在已有业务项目中建立新分包商关系时,每个供应商均负有于15天内在家得宝FlexPLM系统报告和登记此类信息的责任。在新业务项目启动时,任何将使用的新分包商也应遵循这一原则在FlexPLM系统中报备。
If an unauthorized subcontractor is discovered, the Supplier relationship may be immediately terminated.如果发现未经授权的分包商,供应商关系可能立即终止。
If the relationship is not immediately terminated during the first or second offense, the following penalty system will be implemented: 若关系不是立即终止,则 :
I Supplier 1st Offense = $5,000 在第一次发现违反情况下处以$ 5000 罚款;
II Supplier 2nd Offense = $10,000 在第二次发现违反情况下处以$ 10000 罚款;
III Supplier 3rd Offense = Immediate Termination of the Supplier relationship with THD 在第三次发现违反情况下立即终止供应商与家得宝(THD)的合作关系。