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Estee Lauder验厂咨询-雅诗兰黛供应商聚焦之童工和强迫劳动及健康安全规范与实践

发布时间: 2024-12-26
阅读人数: 14

1、Child Labour 童工&位成年工

1.1    Is the local minimum working age for children applied? (If there is no local legal standard, the minimum standard is set at age 15). Precise the age of the youngest worker found.當地最小童工工作年齡實施? (如果沒有當地法律標準, 最小標準年齡定在15歲), 现场发现的最小工人年龄?

1.2    Does the factory have effective procedures to verify the age of worker at the time of recruitment?工廠是否有有效的程序审核应聘人员的年紀?

1.3    Does the factory keep adequate age documents of workers such as ID copies and personnel records?工廠保留工人年紀的文件如身份証或個人記錄?
1.4    Are young workers exempted of hazardous work?未成年工有免除危險性工作?
1.5    Are young workers exempted of night shift?未成年工免除上夜班?
1.6    Are young workers exempted of overtime?未成年工免除加班?

1.7    Does the factory have a copy of valid laws and regulations on child labour or understand its requirements?工廠是否有关于童工或未成年工的法律法规文件文本? 或是否了解其要求?

1.8    Does the factory have a copy of valid regulations and laws on young worker protection or understand its requirements?工廠是否有关于保护未成年工的法律法规文件文本? 或是否了解其要求?

1.9    Is separate register maintained for child labour and/or young workers?童工/或未成年工有分開登記 ?

1.10    Are suspected young worker age records such as age certificate, local records or certificate from surgeon verified?有可疑的未成年工年紀記錄如年紀証明, 當地記錄或醫生証明?

1.11    If other local regulations on young workers, are they applied? If no specify.如果有其它关于未成年工的當地規範,他們是否適用 ?如沒有詳細指出

1.12    Best practices. Specify.最好的實施. 詳細說明 

2、Forced Labour 強迫勞動
2.1    Are all workers present voluntarily at the factory?是否所有目前在工廠的工人都是自願性工作 ?

2.2    Are the workers free of coercive behavior from the management such as physical or verbal threatening? Precise in case there is any coercive behavior.工人有無免除管理上強迫行為, 如身体或脅迫性? 舉例有無任何強迫行為?
2.3    Are workers not required to lodge deposits or original documents such as ID papers, training certificate, etc.?工人不会被扣押原始证件, 如身份証或訓練証明..等.

2.4    Are workers able to circulate freely without any physical method impeding their freedom such as locked exit during working hours or perimeter fences, etc? If not, precise.工人不会被限制的人身自由, 如工作期間將通道出口鎖上? 如沒有請舉例.

2.5    Is the use of forced labour/prison labour without legal authorisation prohibited?是否有使用未经法定授权的的强制劳工或在押犯人?

2.6    Are workers free to leave after working hours? If No specify which restriction is placed.工作時間後工人可否自由離去?如不可以,有哪些限制規定.

2.7    Are workers permitted time-off with doctor’s Certificate when sick or maternity?工人有生病或懷孕的醫生証明可否允許休息?

2.8    Do all workers sign fair employment contracts With the factory?是否所有的工人都有跟工廠簽具僱用契約?

2.9    If there are security guards, is their role is only to watch over goods and property-and not to intimidate or restrict the movement of the works? If not, precise. 如果有安全人員, 他們的角色是否只照顧貨物跟財產,而沒有脅迫或限制工作的活動 ?如沒有請舉例.
2.10    Does the factory have a copy of valid laws and regulations on forced labour or understand is requirements?工廠是否有关于强制劳动的的法律法规文件,或了解其要求?

2.11    If other local regulations on forced labour, are they applied ? If not , specify.是否有當地其他強迫勞動的法律法规,他們是否適用?如沒有, 請舉例 . 
2.12    If the Estee Lauder code of conduct had been communicated with workers ?And if the workers have the opportunity to ask questions and make complaints under the code?是否將EL的行為規範已傳遞給工人? 工人對這些規範是否有機會詢問或抱怨?
2.13    Best practices. Specify最好的實行, 詳細說明

3、Health and safety 健康與安全

3.1    Are personal protective equipment (PPE) such as goggles, glasses, gloves, earplug / muff, boots, or protective clothing provided at factory cost and in fully acceptable condition? 工廠在完全接受自付的情況下 提供個人防護設備如護目鏡,眼鏡,手套,耳塞/皮手筒,防護罩,或防護衣嗎?
3.2    Is potable water easily accessible and in adequate supply? 飲用水易取得且足夠供應嗎?
3.3    Is written health and safety policy posted and signed by top management? 管理高層有張貼和簽署健康安全政策嗎?

3.4    Is there a risk analysis to identify the risks associated with production and is this risk analysis reviewed regularly and updated when necessary? 有關生產風險辨識&分析嗎?必要時有定期检讨且更新風險分析嗎?

3.5    Does the factory arrange health and safety training for new workers and for everyone who changes activities? 工廠有為新員工&變換工作的每一個人安排健康與安全訓練嗎?
3.6    Are all work-related accidents reported andrecorded? 有所有工作事故相關報告和記錄嗎?
3.7    Are corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence of work-related accidents? 有矯正行动去預防與工作有關的事故再次發生嗎?
3.8    Are adequate first aid kits located at each factory floor and marked with signs? 工廠每一樓層有足夠的急救箱且作出標誌嗎?

3.9    Are adequate workers trained on first aid? Precise how many trained first aiders at the factory 有足夠的工人做急救訓練嗎?工廠裡被訓練的急救人員,精確的有多少人?

3.10    Does the factory have a copy of valid laws and regulation on health and safety or understand its requirements? 工廠有收集关于健康與安全的有效的法律和規章的副本,或了解它的需求嗎?

3.11    Is safety committee established with members representing the various shifts, functions and levels? 有建立能代表不同的班次(白班/夜班), 不同职能和层次的安全委員會嗎?

3.12    Is a senior management representative for health & safety appointed? If yes please specify the title. 有高层管理代表被指定负责健康與安全嗎?如果是,請具體說明頭銜?

3.13    Are training and awareness programs on health and safety arranged regularly for all workers(continuous improvment)? 有定期為所有員工进行健康與安全的訓練和宣讲嗎? (持續改進)
3.14    Are legal construction certificate available? 有法定要求的建物證書嗎?

3.15    Are all site buildings maintained in good condition in both physical surface and structure?所有的建築物在表面和結構都維持好的狀態嗎?

3.16    Does the factory have a suitable working environment in respect of ventilation, temperature, lighting, cleanliness, tidiness, hazardous exposition (asbestos, chemicals…) and place (over crowding)? 工廠有適宜的工作環境如通風,溫度,照明,乾淨,整潔, 危險說明(石棉,化學製品…)和位置(過於擁擠)嗎?

3.17    Are lavatory facilities easily accessible, clean and reasonable number? Does it meet local requirements?  廁所設備使用便利,乾淨且有合理的數量嗎?符合當地的需求嗎?
3.18    Are washbasins and water taps available and adequate? 臉盆和水龍頭配置合理,数量足够嗎?
3.19    Are fire exits and escape routes adequate at each factory floor? 工廠每樓層有足夠的紧急出口和逃生通道嗎?
3.20    Are fire exit totally free of access without escape route blocked or locked? 消防出口通道通畅, 没有障碍或上鎖嗎?

3.21    Does the factory have valid fire inspection certificates issued by local fire service authority?工廠有當地官方消防機構核發有效消防檢查證明?
3.22    Does the factory have adequate number of fire extinguishers at each factory floor? 工廠每樓層有足夠的消防滅火器嗎?

3.23    Is an effective fire extinguishing system i.e. fire hydrant/fire hose or sprinkler installed at each factory floor and maintained properly? 工廠每層设置了有效的消防滅火系統, 如消防栓/消防水帶或灑水器, 且維護正確嗎?

3.24    Are all fire extinguishing systems inspected, maintained properly and ready to use at all times? 所有的消防滅火系統有被檢查,恰当維護 且隨時可以投入使用嗎?

3.25    Is fire and hazard early warning system such as smoke detector installed and regularly tested? 有裝备且定期測試消防和危險警告系統嗎? 如煙霧探測器
3.26    Are fire drills conducted regularly at least once a year? Precise when and how. 有定期(每年至少一次)的消防演习嗎?  詳述時間及如何做.
3.27    Are exits and fire exits identified with sign or indicator lamps? 出口和逃生出口有標誌或指示燈辨識嗎?
3.28    Are adequate emergency lights instalLed and maintained well? 有足夠的且維持良好的緊急照明燈嗎?

3.29    Does the factory have appropriate maintance/inspections for boilers, elevators, pressure vessels and other equipment per local regulation? 工廠有根據當地的法规要求適當的維持/檢查鍋爐,電梯,壓力容器和其他設備嗎?

3.30    Are the operators of above-mentioned equipment trained and qualified per local regulation? 上述設備的操作員有根據當地的法规要求接受培训并取得资格证书嗎?

3.31    Are adequate guarding or devices installed for moving/rotating parts of machine, pulleys and belts or any other dangerous parts of machines? 有足夠的防護裝置来遮拦移動/轉動機器部件嗎?,如滑輪和皮帶或任何危險的機器部分

3.32    Are all electricians, welding operators and forklift drivers etc. trained and qualified per local regulations? 所有的電工,焊接操作員和叉車駕駛員…等 有根據當地法规要求接受培训并取得资格证书嗎?

3.33    Is electrical safety procedures implemented effectively to ensure safety precautions such as grounding, discharging, and testing to be taken? 安全用電的安全預防措施被有效地履行嗎?如接地、放电和检测

3.34    Are all the electrical wires installed in fully acceptable condition and adequately protected?所有的電線布置合理,且有足够的保护嗎?

3.35    Are electrical installations are checked periodically and repairs carried out by competent electrician?  電器設備由有能力的電工定期檢查、修理嗎?

3.36    Is hot work permit procedure implemented for welding, cutting and open flame operation at the factory? 有高温作业许可程序嗎?,如焊接, 切割和明火操作

3.37    Is any instruction emphasized to prohibit loose clothing, jewellery or long hair near moving machinery? 在运转的机器附近有标示强调禁止寬鬆的衣服, 首飾或長髮靠近嗎?

3.38    When there is dangerous/hazardous substances used at the factory, are they safely and securely stored? 當工廠有危險物品时,它們是被安全稳妥地貯存嗎?

3.39    Are the workers protected from critical exposal to dangerous substances in the factory without appropriate protection (high risk for health or risk of accident)? 工廠工人有適當保護才能接近危險品(高健康風險或事故風險)嗎?
3.40    Are MSDS and safety instructions easily available for each hazardous product? 每項危險品的附近有明示MSDS & 安全标志嗎?

3.41    Are hazardous products clearly labeled in a language understood by most of employees present at factory? 危險品上的標籤使用了工廠大部分員工认识的文字嗎?
3.42    Are hazardous products correctly handled? 危險品处置是否正確地嗎?

3.43    Is there a system introduced to reduce personal exposure to this substances (appropriate ventilation, to reduced shift hours)? 是否減少個人暴露於危险的系統 (適當的通風,減少每班時間)嗎?

3.44    Does the factory arrange regular health
examination for workers exposed to hazardous environment?工廠有為暴露於危險環境的員工定期安排健檢嗎?
3.45    Is air quality test done if hazardous fumes
existed? Are the results acceptable? 如存有危險性的煙, 有空氣品質測試嗎? 結果可接受嗎?
3.46    Is potable water easily accessible and in adequate supply? 適於飲用的水容易取得且足夠供應嗎?
3.47    Are dormitory exits unblocked and unlocked for emergency evacuation?宿舍出口沒有堵塞和上鎖嗎? (緊急撤離出口)
3.48    Are the factory kitchen and canteen clean and hygienic with adequate facilities? 工廠廚房和餐廳有足夠的乾淨&衛生的設備嗎?
3.49    Is the local licence concerning kitchen and canteen available?廚房和餐廳有當地許可證明嗎?

3.50    Are adequate evidences identified that workers working in kitchen are suitable to food service? Such as health examination. 在廚房工作的工人有足夠證明辨識人員適合做食物服務?如健檢.

3.51    Is there adequate living space for each worker and is this space meet the requirements of relevant local regulations? Precise space per worker and number of workers per room. 每個工人有足夠的活動空間且此空間是符合當地法規的要求? 詳述每工人空間&每房間的工人數.
3.52    Are the dormitories clean? 宿舍乾淨嗎?

3.53    Are there adequate toilets with hand basins available to workers at adequate distance at dormitory?  在宿舍,有距離適當,数量足夠的有洗手槽的廁所嗎?
3.54    Are there adequate bathrooms available to workers at dormitory? 宿舍有足夠的浴室供工人使用嗎?
3.55    Are sanitary areas clean and hygienic with available washing facilities? 公共衛生區域乾淨衛生嗎?有洗滌設備嗎?
3.56    Are adequate security measures provided to protect workers at dormitory? 宿舍內提供足夠的安全措施以保護工廠的工人?
3.57    Is there fire fighting system complete, update and free of access? 消防系統是完整的,定期更换的,免费的嗎?
3.58    Are workers’ dormitories strictly separated from production's building and/or warehouse? 工人的宿舍嚴格地和生產大樓或倉庫分開嗎?

3.59    Is there any food safety program established to ensure all the food and stuffs purchased from reliable sources? 有設立食物安全程序以確保所有食物和材料從的來源可靠嗎?
3.60    Is any pest control program established and implemented effectively in the canteen? 在餐廳,有設立任何控制害蟲程序且有效實行嗎?
3.61    Are recreation areas available at the factory? 工廠有可娛樂的區域嗎?
3.62    Are kitchens, laundry facilities available in dormitory? 宿舍有廚房和洗衣設施嗎?
3.63    Are written dormitory rules posted?  (if yes please attach copy) 有張貼宿舍規定嗎?(如果有,請附上副本)
3.64    Are workers free to exit & re-enter dormitory freely? Detail when there is limitation. 工人自由進出宿舍嗎? 當有限制請詳述.
3.65    If other local regulations on health&safety, are they applied? If no specify. 是否执行當地的其他健康與安全法規?如果沒有具體說明.
3.66    Best Practices. Specify 最好的實行.具體說明

上一章: Estee Lauder验厂咨询-雅诗兰黛供应商劳动规范之从结社自由到工资报酬的全方位考量
下一章: Estee Lauder验厂咨询-雅诗兰黛供应商准则之从劳动权益到商业道德的全方位要求
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