Uses of Current Factory Audit Reports 共享审核报告
Suppliers and factories can request to share SER related reports to THD SER team when receiving an audit request from a service provider. THD will consider waiving the initial audit requirement for a Supplier/Factory with an existing report provided all of the following conditions are met:
Audit was performed by a THD recognized service provider 审核由以下第三方公司执行:
Bureau Veritas (BV)
Intertek (ITS)
TUV Rheinland
Other, as determined by THD 其他经家得宝公司认可的第三方审核公司
The full scope audit was performed within the prior 12 months ;一份范围全面的,并在过往12个月内执行的审核报告;
The report converts into a grade of “B” or higher in THD’s grading system 在家得宝公司的等级系统里,审核报告达到B等级或者是更高等级;
Report is validated as complete and accurate as what SP had originally issued 报告经证实属于真实有效的全面审核报告;
Supplier/Factory must demonstrate that a strong CAPA plan was implemented, if applicable. Audit would not be waived unless CAPA plan is accepted by THD SER team. 供应商/工厂应当提交有效的纠正及预防行动计划,并证明有效完成纠正及预防措施。只有纠正及预防行动计划获得家得宝SER团队批准,现场审核才可豁免。
Share report request should be sent to THD SER team/SP not to exceed 3 calendar days after receipt of audit notification 共享报告的申请须在收到审核通知的3个自然日内向家得宝公司SER团队或第三方评审公司提出;
On-site CAPA Verification process is required even if the on-site audit is waived based on an acceptable shared report by THD SER team. 即使审核在共享报告被家得宝SER团队基于可接受的共享报告豁免后,纠正及预防措施的现场验证审核将继续进行;
Under below circumstances, shared reports would not be accepted 如下几种情况,不能分享报告:
For re-audit factories, last THD SER audit result was “F” Grading. 上次审核等级为“F”
Report is validated as not being a full scope audit report. 报告不是全面审核的报告。
Finding of inconsistent records in the provided share report. 共享报告中有关于不一致的问题点。
Supplier/Factory could not provide an acceptable CAPA Plan within the required timeline. 供应商和工厂不能在规定的时间内提交可接受的纠正及预防行动计划。
Factories cannot receive an exemption two consecutive times based on accepted shared reports. 已经连续二次提交共享报告并获得豁免审核。
Shared report requests sent to THD SER Team/SP more than 3 calendar days from the notification date of audit from the SP. 工厂提交共享报告申请给家得宝SER团队或第三方评审公司的日期距其收到审核通知的日期超过了三天。