4. 物理控制
Cargo handling and storage facilities must have physical barriers and deterrents that guard against unauthorized access.
4.1) Do you have a security guards on site?
Yes No Detail:
是 否 详情:
4.2) Are all external access points to the premises and buildings properly secured with adequate fences, gates, guards, locking devices and/or alarm systems?
Yes No Detail: If no, please explain
是 否 详情: 如果不是,请解释。
4.3) Is there segregation and marking of international, domestic, high-value and dangerous goods cargo within the facility by a safe, caged or otherwise fenced-in area?
Yes No Detail: If no, please explain.
是 否 详情: 如果不是,请解释。
4.4) Do you have adequate lighting inside and outside the facility including loading and parking areas?
Yes No Detail:
是 否 详情:
4.5) Is there a separate parking area for private vehicles separate from the shipping/loading dock and cargo areas?
Yes No Detail: Please describe your parking situation for private vehicles. Additionally, do employee automobiles have a parking sticker for identification?
是 否 详情:请描述贵公司私家车辆的停放情况。另外,公司员工的汽车是否有用于识别的停车贴纸?
4.6) Do you have cameras that allow for security to monitor the entrances within your facility?
Yes No Detail: If yes, are cameras recording video that can be played back later and are cameras continuously recording? If no, please explain.
是 否 详情:如果是,那么监控摄像头是否具有录像功能供以后回放?摄像头是否可以连续录像?如果不是,请详细说明。
4.7) Do you have fencing that encloses the perimeter or your cargo handling and storage facilities?
Yes No Detail: If no, please explain.
是 否 详情: 如果不是,请详细说明。