Hop Lun验厂咨询-合隆供应商行为准则之多维度规范合作伙伴商业行为
Hop Lun供应商行为准则
At Hoplun, we believe in 4 core values: Trust, Respect, Honesty and Integrity. While each plays an important role in our global business operations, the values of Honesty and Integrity hold a special place in Hoplun culture and serve to anchor our company in an ever increasing complex and demanding business environment. Hoplun defines Honesty and Integrity as setting and observing the highest ethical standards and always “doing the right thing”.
在合隆,我们信守 4 个核心价值观:信任,尊重,诚实和廉正。这 4 个核心价值观在我们全球的商务运营中扮演着重要的角色,而诚实廉 正的价值观在合隆文化中尤显重要,它是我司在日益复杂和严峻的商业环境里稳步前进的坚强后盾。合隆将诚实廉正作为根本,遵守最 高道德标准,以达到总是“做正确的事情”为目标。
Hoplun upholds these values within our own operations and is committed to working with reputable business partners who demonstrate the same dedication to ethical business standards and practices as does Hoplun.
To help fulfill this commitment, the Hoplun SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT (hereby referred to as the “Code of Conduct”) applies to any company, it’s factories, manufacturers, vendors or agents, (hereby referred to as “Suppliers”) that produce goods and/or services for Hoplun. This Code of Conduct was issued on January 1, 2014 and supersedes all previous Hoplun Supplier Codes of Conducts.
为了帮助实现这一承诺, 合隆供应商行为准则(在此简称“行为准则”)适用于任何为合隆生产商品和/或服务之公司,工厂,制造商,供应 商或代理商(在此简称“供应商”)。此行为准则于2014年1月1日发布并取代之前所有的合隆供应商行为准则。
While Hoplun recognizes that there are different legal and cultural environments in which Suppliers operate globally, the following Code of Conduct sets forth the minimum expectations under which Hoplun Suppliers are required to operate.
Key Compliance Metrics 关键合规指标
a) Laws and Regulations: All Hoplun Suppliers must adhere to all compulsory laws and regulations of the Countries in which they operate.
b) Child Labor: Suppliers must not employ workers younger than 16 years of age without exception, regardless of local law or any other international guidelines/exceptions.
童工:不管当地法律或任何其他国际 指引是否规定或有例外, 供应商都一律不得雇用 16 岁以下的工人。
c) Forced Labor: Suppliers must not use forced labor in any form including; prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise and will not engage in the trafficking of human beings. Forced overtime is
strictly prohibited.
强迫劳工:供应商不得使用任何形式的强迫劳工,包括;监狱工、抵押工、契约工等,不得参与人口贩卖, 严格禁止强迫加班。
d) Health and Safety: Suppliers must provide their workers with a clean, safe, and healthy work environment in compliance with all applicable, legally mandated standards in the Countries in which they operate. Hoplun encourages Suppliers to strive to invest in and implement industry-leading Fire Safety equipment, policies and practices
e) Discipline: All workers must be treated with respect and dignity. No workers shall be subject to corporal punishment, physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse as defined by applicable law. Suppliers must not use monetary fines as a disciplinary practice.
惩罚:所有员工都必须得 到尊重。禁止对员工进行适用法律所定义的肉体体罚、性、精神或口头骚扰或虐待。供应商不得使用罚款作为惩罚手段。
f) Discrimination: While Hoplun recognizes and respects cultural differences, Suppliers must ensure that employment (Including hiring, remuneration, benefits, advancement, termination and retirement) is based on ability and not on a workers Age, Gender, Race, Religion, Ethnic Origin, Caste, Political Opinion, Disability or Sexual Orientation.
歧视: 合隆尊重文化差异,供应商必须确保聘雇(包括招聘、薪酬、福利、晋升、解雇和退休)是基于能力的,而不是取决于工人的年龄、性别、种族、宗教、民族起源、种姓、政治观点、残疾或性取向。
g) Working Hours: Suppliers will not require workers to work in excess of regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the Country where the worker is located, or up to a maximum 72 hours under Exceptional Circumstances, a week on a regularly scheduled basis, including overtime. Suppliers will ensure that all workers are entitled to 1 day off every consecutive seven day period.
工作时间:供应商不得要求工人的工作时间超过所在国家规定允许的常规及加班时间工作。或在特殊情况下,周工作时间不得超过 72 小时(包括加班)。供应商必须确保所有工人每连续工作六天后休息一天。
h) Subcontractors: Suppliers must not use subcontractors in the production of Hoplun products or product components without Hoplun’s prior written approval and only after the subcontractor has agreed, in writing, to the Code of Conduct. (See Subcontractor Details form on pg 4)
分包商:供应商不得 使用未经书面批准的分包商生产合隆产品或产品组件,只有在分包商同意签署合隆供应商行为准则后方可生产。(见第 4 页 “分包商信息表格”)
i) Wages & Benefits: Suppliers must ensure that they pay workers at least the legal minimum wage, as well as the legally mandated overtime premium, for all hours worked and that there will be no monetary fines for poor performance. Suppliers must also ensure that all legally mandated benefits are being provided and that there will be no illegal deductions for these benefits.
j) Freedom of Association/Collective Bargaining: Workers should be free to join organizations, such as trade unions, of their own choosing, and refrain from joining such organizations if that is their desire. Suppliers must not threaten or penalize workers for their efforts to organize or bargain collectively where permitted by the laws of the Countries in which they operate.结社自由和集体谈判权利:
k) Environmental Management: Suppliers must comply with all local environmental laws applicable to their operations. In addition, Hoplun encourages Suppliers have environmental policies, practices and management systems containing goals with targets that are focused on the continuous improvement of overall environmental performance/
l) Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Suppliers must conduct business with Honesty and Integrity and demonstrate the highest standards of business ethics. Suppliers must not engage in bribery, corruption or other unethical or illegal practices whether in dealings with government officials (which includes officers at any level, employees or offices at government-controlled or owned entities, employees or officers of public international organizations, political officials or candidates or anyone acting on the aboves behalf). This includes, directly or indirectly, paying anyone to seek to obtain an undue or improper advantage. This also includes any unethical business activities or arrangements between Supplier and any Hoplun associate.
廉正与反腐败:供应商必须以诚实、廉正及最高的商业道德标准进行商业交易。不论是在与政府官员交涉(包括各级官员、雇员、政府拥有或控制的办公室、公共国际组织的雇员或官员、党派官员或候选人或代理人),或与供应商、合隆之间业务往来中, 供应商一律不得参与贿赂、贪污或其他不道 德或非法行为(包括直接或间接地)以寻求不正当利益。
m) Accuracy of Business Records: Suppliers will record and report information accurately and honestly and will not hide, fail to record or make false entries. All books, records and accounts must accurately reflect transactions, payments and events and conform to generally accepted accounting principles, good internal controls and all applicable laws and regulations.
n) Monitoring and Compliance: Suppliers must communicate the provisions of this Code of Conduct to their workers and supervisors and post in the local language. Hoplun will undertake measures such as announced and unannounced inspections of Supplier production facilities to monitor compliance to the Code of Conduct. Suppliers must maintain documentation on-site, necessary to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct. Suppliers must allow Hoplun associates or Hoplun nominated 3rd Party monitoring firms’ full access to production facilities, worker records and workers for confidential interviews in connection with monitoring visits.
监督与遵守:供应商必须将此行为准则的各项规定传达至员工及管理者,并张贴当地语言的本行为准则。合隆将会对供应商生产场所进行通知或不通知审核,以确认供应商是否已遵守本行为准则。供应商必须保存用于证明工厂已遵守本行为准则的生产现场文件记录。供应商必 须允许合隆或合隆委派的第三方审核公司审查其生产设施、工作记录及允许对其工人进行私人面谈。