Business Documents(License/approval/permits):
Building approval plan 建筑工程竣工验收备
Fire License 消防验收,消防备案证
Factory License 工厂营业执照
Import and Export License 进出口许可证
Group Insurance certificate 社保缴费记录,网上台账
Commercial insurance 商业保险单。
Production records. 生产记录
Organization chart and Floor plan 工厂的组织机构图及平面图
Relevant law documents (Local minimum wage standard, Comprehensive Working Hours System.)政府最新文件.如: 最低工资, 综合计时申批记录等
Employee Documents:
Organisation Chart 组织机构图
Employee manual (Factory rule, Employee assessment system, Punishment and reward policy,Dormitory Rules (if appicable), Compliant policy ,Wage calculation policy, Promotion system/ Records, Employee benefits policy, Resign procedure, etc.)
员工手册 (包括厂规, 厂纪如: 对员工表现的评估系统, 工厂的奖惩制度,晋升系统以及记录,投诉程序, 宿舍规定 (如适用),工资制度, 员工福利,解除合同的程序等)
Labour contracts for all employees. 所有员工劳动合同
Photocopies of official employee identification that has a photo and a date of birth. 员工档案,包括员工身份证复印件
Time records for the past 12 months for all staff including agency/temp labour. 所有员工(包括中介和临时工)过去12个月的打卡记录
Payroll records for past 12 months for all staff including agency/temp labour.所有员工(包括中介和临时工)过去12个月的工资记录
Pay slip records 工资条
Piece rate records for the past 12 months (if applicable) for all staff. 所有员工过去12个月的计件记录(如适用)
Minutes of joint committees on H&S. 健康安全委员会的会议记录
Training records. 培训记录 (包括机器操作安全,PPE使用培训,化学品使用培训等)
Grievance Handling policy and Log book 书面员工意见反馈政策以及相关记录
Employee resign records and application 员工离职名单, 离职报告
Juvenile workers list, Juvenile workers physical examination records.青少年员工的记录, 例如: 青少年工人清单, 岗位, 体检记录等
Occupational health physical examination report for workers in hazard working condition 有毒有害环境工作人员的职业健康体检报告
Workshop occupational hazard factor monitoring report 车间职业危害因素监测报告
Canteen hygiene certificate, kitchen staff physical examination records 餐厅卫生许可证, 餐厅人员的健康证
Certificate for special appliances operators and specialist 特殊岗位员工上岗证. 如: 电工,锅炉操作工,叉车工,电梯操作工等
Health and Safety Documents:
A list of all the chemicals and solvents used on this site and MSDS sheets & logs. 化学品清单以及对应的物质安全资料表
Machinery inspection/service logs. 机器日常安全检查记录
Electrical safety. 电器安全
Accident and injury logs. 工伤事故记录
Emergency action procedures. 紧急事故应急程序,包括化学品,健康安全,急救
Evacuation fire drill reports. 消防演习报告
Safety committe records 工厂定期安全会议记录
Drinking water test report 饮用水测试报告
First aid records 急救员证书
Registration records and annual inspection certificate for all special appliances
电梯,起重设备,叉车, 锅炉, 压力容器, 发电机等使用证书及定期检验记录
List of Chemicals and MSDS 化学品清单和MSDS
Hazardous materials List 有害物质清单
Fire officer certificate 消防管理员证书
Industrial illumination level survey report 工厂内部亮度检测报告
Fire epipment list and inspection report 消防设备清单和检查记录
Emergency lights maintaince reord 紧急照明设备保养记录
Maintainence record of fire hydrant, fire alarms, somking detedtor 消防栓、消防警铃和烟感探测器的维护记录
Environmental Documents:
Environmental policy and procedure 环境政策和相应措施
Environmental Impact assessment 环评报告,环评批复,环评竣工验收,如果需要请提供排污许可证
Waste water & air & Noise test report 废水和废气、厂界噪声测试报告
Waste disposal policy and procedure
Management System Documents
Child labour 童工政策
Forced labour policy 强迫劳工政策
Anti Harrassment and abuse反骚扰和虐待的政策
Discrimination policy 歧视政策
Personal proctective equipment policy 个人防护设备的政策
Health and Safety Policy 健康安全政策
Maternity policy 产假政策
Leave policy 离职政策
Worker committee records 工人委员会记录