Child Labor 童工
Coach will not knowingly use suppliers who employ workers in violation of the localmandatoryschool age, or under the legal employment age in each country. in no casewill Coach procure goods or services from firms employing workers under age 16.Additionally, Coach will only do business with those suppliers who are proactive incontributing to the continued education and betterment ofits employees.
Coach 不会故意任用在雇用劳工方面违反本地强迫教育制度,或所在国家法定工作年龄的供应商。 Coach 在任何情况下不会向雇用 16 岁以下劳工的公司采购货品或获取服务。 此外,Coach 只会任用主动持续培训及提升雇员能力的供应商。
Age documentation 身份证明文件
1. Service Provider must establish a written policy on child labor and youngemployee.供应商必须建立书面之童工及未成年工政策。
Children are prohibited from entering the production area. lf they areallowed to present at the living area within the factory's compound, theymust be under supervision at all times.
Service Provider must verify the age ofemployees before employment andcomply with thelegal age ofwork.供应商必须在雇用之前核实员工的年龄以确定员工达到法定工作年龄。
A copy ofthe employees National ldentity Card (lD) should be kept on eachemployee's file through the term ofemployment.各员工个人档案内应该保留一份员工身份证副本。Service Provider shall keep a register ofemployees when the employmentrelationship is established, it should include the following information of theemployee:name,gender,national lD number, the residency address andcurrent location of dwelling place, contact information, the employmentmethod, the commencing time ofemployment, the term oflabor contractandso on.供应商应自用工日起建立花名册,花名册应包含以下内容,劳动者姓名,性别,公民身份证号码,户籍地址及现住址,联系方式,用工起始时间,劳动合同期限等。
Under-age employees 未成年员工
1.Under-age employees refer to employees of ages between 16 and 18.
未成年员工是指年龄在 16 到 18 周岁之间的员工。
Service Provider must have under-age employees register with the localLabor Department as required by the laws and regulations.
Service Provider must have the under-age employees undergo medicaexaminations as required by the laws and regulations and bear all theexpenses for them.
Medical report ofthe under-age employees must be kept in theemployees file.
Service Provider should not arrange for under-age employees toperform any tasks, which are restricted by the laws and regulations供应商不应该安排未成年员工执行那些由法律和法规制约的任务
强迫劳工,监Forced Labor, Prison Labor & Human Trafficking .狱劳工和人口贩运
Coach will not knowingly use suppliers of either raw materials or finished product thathave been produced byforced labor, prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor ortrafficked labor, or services provided bysuch labor.
Coach 不会故意任用用强迫劳工,监狱劳工,贩运之劳工生产的原料供应商或成品供应商,或让该等劳工提供服务的供应商。
Forced Labor & Prison Labor 强迫劳工和监狱劳工
Service Provider must establish a written policy on forced labor andprison labor.
Anyform of subcontracting arrangement with prison facilities orcorrection camps is prohibited.
Service Provider must not use prisoner of any form.
Effective grievance system should be established and correspondingprocedures must be communicated to employees.供应商须建立有效之申诉系统,并与员工就相应程序进行沟通。
Forced Labor & Prison Labor 强迫劳工和监狱劳工Service Provider must establish a written policy on forced labor andprison labor.
Anyform of subcontracting arrangement with prison facilities orcorrection camps is prohibited.
Service Provider must not use prisoner of any form.
Effective grievance system should be established and correspondingprocedures must be communicated to employees.
Forced Overtime 强迫加班加点
1. Service Provider must inform employee at the time of hire that overtime
is voluntary.供应商在招聘员工之时,必须通知员工所有加班加点都是自愿性质。2.Employees should not be deducted any allowances if they refuse to workovertime.
Employees should not be requested to obtain permission fromsupervisors to waive any overtime work.
4.Service Provider is advised to have the employees to sign up for anyovertime work, and the sign-up sheet shall be kept together with thepayroll records.