1.营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2.社会责任体系认证证书 (SA certificate);
3.环境管理体系认证证书 (EMS certificate);
4.职业卫生安全管理体系认证证书 (OHSAS Certificate);
5.食堂卫生许可证(Hygiene permit for dining facility)
6.排污许可证(Environmental permit)
7.医生/护士执业资格证书(Qualification certificate for doctor and nurse)
8.厨师健康证(Health certificate for cook)
9.特种作业人员资格证书(Qualification certificate for special operation: Electrical work/Boiler work/Elevator work/Pressurized containers work/Weighting lifting operation/Metal welding/Explosure operation/Under pit work/Driving)
10.组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
11.员工手册(含厂纪厂规、薪资福利规定)-Employee manual (employee code of conduct, factory management rules, salary and benefits policy/instructions).
12.员工花名册(包含姓名、工号、部门、职位、出生日期、身份证号码、进厂日期)-Employee list (should at least including employee name, work ID#, department, position, birth date, ID# and hiring date)
13.员工档案(含入职登记表、身份证复印件、劳动合同)-Employee personnel file (at least including basic information form, ID copy and labor contract)
14.建筑物安全验收合格证 (Building construction safety inspection reports)
15.建筑物消防验收合格证 (Building fire safety inspection reports)
16.未成年工登记表 (Juvenile workers registration records)
17.未成年工体检表 (Juvenile workers physical examination records)
18.当地最低工资标准文件规定 (Local minimum wages notice)
19.综合计时/延长加班时间申请批文 (Approval for comprehensive work hour system and extending work hours)
20.工资表(最近一年)-Payrolls (the latest 12 months)
21.考勤记录(最近一年)-Attendance records (at least 12 months)
22.请假单-Employees leave request form
23.辞职单-Employees resign records
24.员工奖惩通知/公告 (Notice for rewards and punishments)
25.社保收据及证明 (Social insurance receipts and waive approval)
26.消防培训记录 (Fire safety training records)
27.消防演习记录 (Fire safety drills records)
28.特种设备使用登记证书 (Registration for special equipments: elevator, air compressors and etc.)
29.特种设备安检报告/证书 (Safety inspection reports/certificate for special equipments)
30.急救手册 (First aid manual/guideline)
31.急救员培训合格证明 (Qualification certificate for first aid personnel)
32.卫生安全培训记录 (Health and safety training records)
33.机器安全操作培训 (Machines safety operation training records)
34.化学品安全使用培训 (Chemical substances safety training records)
35.环境(废水、废气、噪音)监测报告 (Monitoring reports for waste water, waste gas and noises)
36.断针政策/记录 (Broken needle policy and records-only applicable for sewing and cutting processes)
37.利器控制程序 (Sharp tools control procedure/records)
38.验针记录 (Metal/needle detection records-only applicable for sewing and cutting processes)