This Supplier Handbook is for use by suppliers to the following Brands of Arcadia Group Limited.
• Burton Menswear
• Dorothy Perkins
• Evans
• Miss Selfridge
• Outfit
• Top Man
• Top Shop
• Wallis
The objective of the Supplier Handbook is to describe the procedures for supplying goods to our Brands. The clarity of the wording has been approved by Plain English Campaign to make sure it is easy to understand. It provides a basic set of rules for you and us to avoid misunderstandings and provide consistency.
The Supplier Handbook provides a comprehensive set of standards for our trading Brands. These standards cover the following.
Quality assurance (including a Measurement guide) - for all suppliers
Delivery procedures - for UK/‘landed’ suppliers
Direct imports (including delivery and invoicing) - for foreign suppliers
Accounting procedures - for UK/‘landed’ suppliers
Conditions - for all suppliers
By working together to meet these standards we will make sure that the goods flow quickly to our stores.
Executive summary
The Executive summary should give you an overview of the main sections included within the Supplier Handbook. It is not intended to be a summary of the detailed procedures. Please make sure the relevant people in your organisation understand and follow the procedures when delivering goods to us.
Our goal
We aim to reduce time and costs and to reduce mistakes in the supply chain in order to meet our customers’ needs in a cost-effective way. Our goal is simple:
• do it once, do it fast, do it right; and
• do it at the best possible value.
We need you to be equally committed to this goal, and we will help you to achieve it. The SupplierHandbook provides common rules on what is needed for you and us to get the maximum benefit.
Technology is changing the retailing industry. We intend to be at the forefront of best practice to help us become more efficient and to serve our customers better. Together we must develop our activities and methods. We will regularly review the processes and practices laid out in this Supplier Handbook to improve the efficiency of our supply chain.
Our Distribution Centres may monitor your performance to check if the standards that have been set in the Supplier Handbook are being achieved and identify the reasons for any failure. We will tell you about your performance.
Your role
To make our supply chain as efficient as possible it is essential that you read, understand and consistently apply the procedures in this Supplier Handbook. Please make sure that all relevant staff within your organisation also do the following.
• Keep to the quality assurance requirements. (See the Quality Assurance section.)
• Follow all our packing, labelling, documentation and shipping instructions for deliveries from landed suppliers. (See the Delivery Procedures section.)
• Meet our packing, labelling, documentation and shipping instructions for direct imports. (See the Direct Imports section.)
• Follow our procedures when sending us invoices and related correspondence for deliveries from landed suppliers. (See the Accounting Procedures section.)
• Clearly understand and keep to our trading conditions. (See the Conditions section.)