Ann Summers验厂辅导|供应商可通过五大通用社会责任审核报告替代其审核
This manual is intended to provide our suppliers with a concise and easily accessible source of information for Ann Summers and Knickerbox.
It covers all aspects of the manufacturing process, and outlines important policies, sampling procedures, performance and testing requirements, make up specification, how to measure, packaging and labelling requirements, factory quality control procedures, delivery and administration procedures and the factory self evaluation document.
These procedures are an integral part of Ann Summers Quality Assurance systems, which have been developed to ensure that merchandise conforms to the Ann Summers quality and to the relevant EU and UK Directives Standards.
This manual details information on the necessary legal and safety requirements, but please be aware that this information is from time to time updated and as such Ann Summers expects you to be continually aware of new legislations.
Compliance to these procedures will ensure that Ann Summers and our suppliers can demonstrate ‘due diligence’ in offering products that meet all legal, safety quality, ethical and environmental requirements.
There is a mandatory requirement for all suppliers’ factories to join and maintain membership with Sedex.
It is important that all the relevant people within your organisation are aware of our requirements and that they are consistently implemented if we are to satisfy our customer needs and form a successful working partnership with you as one of our suppliers.
For the avoidance of doubt: throughout this manual, ‘Ann Summers Ltd.’ also includes the Knickerbox brand (herein otherwise referred to as ‘the company’).
Code of Conduct and Sourcing Policy
When customers buy our goods they must be sure that they have been produced under acceptable conditions. That means the goods have been produced:
Through fair and honest dealing
Without exploiting the people who made them
In decent working conditions
Without damage to the environment
We have asked you to follow this code (in this code "you" means the supplier, the manufacturer or any other person involved in supplying goods to Ann Summers Ltd. and all associated brands i.e. Knickerbox which is based on internationally accepted standards covering these issues.)
For the avoidance of doubt: throughout this document Ann Summers Ltd. also includes the Knickerbox Brand.
Ann Summers Ltd Code of Conduct is backed up by a process of self-evaluation and independent inspections to ensure compliance.
This Code of Conduct is designed to be fair, achievable, easy to check, and to promote the ongoing development of our suppliers. Where suppliers breach this Code of Conduct we will work with them to improve business standards and employee welfare. However, Ann Summers Ltd. reserves the right to terminate arrangements with any supplier where serious non-compliances are found or where there is no willingness to make improvements.
For the avoidance of doubt: Serious non-compliances would include the use of bonded labour and child labour (as defined in ILO Convention No. 182).
Legal Requirements
At all times you must meet the legal requirements of the countries in which you are working. In addition, Ann Summers Ltd. requires your factories to be certified, compliant or working towards one or more of the relevant International Standards as listed below:
Labour Practices
SA 8000 (Social Accountability)
ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) Base Code
WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production)
BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative)
ICTI (International Council of Toy Industries) Care Programme
ISO 9000:2000 Series (International Organisation for Standardisation)
BRC (British Retail Consortium) Global Consumer Products
ISO 22000 Global Food Safety Initiative International Food Standard
BRC Global Standard for Food Safety
BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials
SQF 2000 (Safe Quality Food)
ISO 14001 (International Organisation for Standardisation) a quality management standard for environmental management.